Trying to eat more plant-based?

Posted 2 months ago

See our top tips here!

Important note: this article is for information only and is not medical advice. You should always consult a doctor before making changes to your lifestyle/diet. You should always ensure you are eating a healthy and balanced diet, including enough protein and micronutrients/amino acids. Visit the NHS website for more information on a healthy diet.

Have "plant-based days" or meals 🥗

Small wins are still powerful! You could try taking part in #MeatFreeMondays or just having plant-based lunches.

Eat plant based in the office (or at home) 🏢

Or anywhere else you find yourself regularly! By setting yourself a goal of eating plant-based in certain places, you might find the goal easier to stick to.

Try new foods 🌿

Use it as an opportunity to discover new foods! From tofu to lentils, there's plenty of different ingredients in many plant-based options.

Substitute 🍅

PETA has a list of substitutes that can help you make plant-based choices.

Vegan Meat Guide 

Vegan Cheese Guide

Plant-Based Milk Guide

Be prepared 💭

Planning your meals in advance may help you to overcome obstacles and curveballs - plus who doesn't love checking out restaurant menus before we go there!

This article is informed by PETA.