International Students: Ordering your essentials

Posted 4 years ago

It's time to start planning what to pack

and what you will need once you arrive...

Whether you're going to be isolating when you get to your accommodation or not, having to go out and get items you'll need can be a chore, especially when all you'll want to do is decorate your room and make it homely. So, we've found some websites where you can order essentials online to be delivered straight to your door, simple!

Starter Kits

These are great to have because they include everything you'll need, from kitchen utensils to bedding. It can save you a lot of time to get it all from one place and you won't make the mistake of forgetting anything major. 


You'll thank yourself later if you plan for what meals you are going to have once you arrive at uni. You can either do an online food shop at a supermarket, have ready meals delivered or there are even places that will do your meal prep for you and include all your ingredients, you just need to cook it!

If you do want to pick out your groceries yourself, then here are supermarkets that offer and delivery service.

Or go down the ready-meal route of having your food already prepared.

Restaurant delivery

Whether you'll want to tuck into a takeaway on your first night or have one with your flatmates during the first week, it's always useful to make a note of the different takeaways available, we've selected a few for you to choose from.