Why does January feel so long?

Posted 1 month ago

And what can we do about it?

Have you seen all the memes online recently about just how long this month feels? Or perhaps you can't believe it really is still January yourself?

Yahoo explained why this is and what we can do about it, and we've summarised it here for you.

So why does it last forever?

  • Post-holiday let down
  • Colder, darker days
  • Confronting holiday debt
  • Returning to routines
  • New year, new pressures

And what can we do?

  • Plan some fun activities.
  • Make your healthy start to the new year more enjoyable.
  • Get some extra sleep.

Reach out to your Residential Advisors/Wardens team or Hall Manager if you need additional support during this tough time.

Read the full Yahoo article below...