Bonham Carter House
College Hall
Connaught Hall
Eleanor Rosa House
Garden Halls
Handel Mansions
International Hall
Nutford House
Applying the PERMA Model for Everyday Wellbeing
World Mental Health Day 2024
Building Genuine Friendships in University
Insights and Strategies
Discovering if You Are a Highly Sensitive Person
... and thriving at university
Summer in London
Make the most of your time here if you're staying on!
National Best Friends Day was on 8th June
How did you celebrate?
Physical activity for our social health
National Best Friends Day is 8th June
The extraordinary power of kindness from BBC Ideas
Social connection is more than having friends
Maintaining Friendships over the Summer Break
Our Social Wellbeing Campaign is coming!
Keep your eyes peeled...
Recognising partner abuse
Could you be experiencing abuse without realising it?
The dos and don’ts of on-campus hook-ups
Consent. Relationship between consent and pleasure
Understand yourself to a much deeper level
Consent. Is it a deeply political act?
Our relationship with consent can tell us a lot
Consent. Means being good at rejection
Rejection can hurt, but it's a very effective consent tool
Consent. Why it's more than being a good person
Welcome to Day 2 of your journey
Consent. It's as simple as a global pandemic!
Welcome to the start of your journey.